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Abu Nawas “Abu Nawas Die”

abunuwasMajesty the King returned to the palace and immediately ordered his soldiers capture of Abu Nawas. But Abu Nawas has lost some where because he knows being hunted by royal soldiers. And after he knew the soldiers had left his home kingdom, Abu Nawas brave new home.
"My husband, the royal soldiers this morning looking for you."
"Yes my wife, this is serious business. I just sold Sultan Harun Al Rashid
become slaves. "
"The king I make a slave!"
"Why are you doing that for my husband."
"So he knew in his country there is the practice of buying and selling slaves. And so the slave was miserable."
"Actually you mean well, but King definitely angry. The proof the soldiers were ordered to arrest you."
"What do you think will be the Sultan Harun Al Rashid to me."
"Surely you will be severely punished."
"Emergency, I would deploy knowledge I kept,"
Abu Nawas got inside, he founded the ablutions and pray two raka’at. Then his wife told him what to say when the king came.
Not how Alama then a neighbor of Abu Nawas tantrum, because the wife of Abu
Nawas screaming.
"What?" Abu Nawas neighbor asked her haste.
"My husband died ....!" Huuuuuu ....
"Hah! Abu Nawas die?"
"yes he was ....!"
Now the news of the death of Abu Nawas scattered throughout the country. Sire
surprised. Anger and indignation, he rather shrank remember Abu Nawas is one of the most intelligent fun and entertaining Majesty the King.
Majesty the King along with several pengawai with a physician (doctor) palace, rushed to the house of Abu Nawas. Physician immediately examine Abu Nawas. A moment later he gave the report to the king that Abu Nawas was already dead a few hours ago.
After seeing his own motionless body of Abu Nawas helpless, His Majesty the King moved and shed tears. He asked the wife of Abu Nawas.
"Is there a final message of Abu Nawas for me?"
"There was a noble lord." said the wife of Abu Nawas, crying.
"Say." said Majesty the King.
"Servant husband, Abu Nawas, begged His Majesty the King be so good as to forgive all the mistakes the world hereafter in front of people." Abu Nawas wife said haltingly.
"Well if that's the demand of Abu Nawas." said Majesty the King agreed.
The body of Abu Nawas carried on her casket.
Then the king gathered the people in the field.
He said, "O my people, listen to that today I, Sultan
Harun Al Rashid has forgiven all the mistakes that have been Abu Nawas
done against me from the world till the Hereafter. And you are all as
witnesses. "
Suddenly, from inside the coffin wrapped in green cloth loud voice,
"Syukuuuuuuuur ......!"
Instantly pallbearers fear, let alone see the Abu Nawas rose
standing like a zombie. Instantly the people who gathered ran helter
skelter, collide, and many of them fell sprained. Abu Nawas itself immediately walked to the front of the king. White clothes and white make Baginda confused too.
"You ... you .... actually undead or did you live again?" question
Majesty with trembling.
"I still live my lord. Servant say thank you that is not
infinity for the forgiveness of my lord. "
"So are you still alive?"
"Yes, Your Majesty. Segar fit, the proof now I feel hungry and wants to go home."
"Brazen! Science what you wear Abu Nawas?
"Grand Master of Science of Sufi teachers servant who had died ..."
"Teach science to me ..."
"There's no way the king. Only teachers who are able to do slave.
Servants can not teach it themselves. "
"What a stingy!" King grumbled disappointed.

<<< The End>>>

Source: Story of 1001 Nights Abu Nawas


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