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Great nation is a nation that understands and has insight about the nation itself, including in terms of culture. It is difficult to memorize the many cultures that exist in a country known by the multicultural and multi-ethnic, but it is what makes Indonesia in the know on the world stage.

In this article I will try to share their insights about a tribe that is often called the SPARE CHILDREN IN by residents of my area of JAMBI , but some people more frequently call it by SPARE stronghold , or PEOPLE jungle .


Suku Anak dalam

Spare the child in a majority of the population living in rural hutam jungle, so it is not wrong if some people call it The Jungle. Tribe is a tribal and a few articles mention the tribe is only found in forest pedalam Jambi and South Sumatra Province. Since I came from Jambi province, but I am not including the interest of children in Lhooo ..Open-mouthed smile  we will discuss the existing rate of children in the surrounding province of which this Batanghari river flowed.

Broadly speaking Tribe Child in Jambi live in 3 different ecological regions, namely the People faction in the north province of Jambi (surrounding the Park Hill 30), Park Hill 12, and the southern province of Jambi (Sumatra along the causeway). They live a nomadic or move to move from one forest and other Forestry basing his life on hunting and gathering, although many of them now have a rubber and other agricultural land.


According to oral traditions that circulate in the community today, even many articles written about the Tribe Child, that children in the tribe are descended from people who ran Forestry astray Malau region surrounding the Black Water, the Park Hill 12, County Sarolangun Bangko, then they are called " Segayo Ancestors. "

According to Van Dongen (1906) in Tempo (2002:71) mentions that The Jungle as a primitive people who are still very low level of ability and non-religious. In connection with the outside world practice the silent jungle city People trade their conduct transactions by hiding in the woods and to barter, they put it on the edge of the forest, then people will pick up and exchange it wither. Gongongan dog is a sign of the goods have been exchanged.

Likewise Bernard Hagen (1908) in Tempo (2002:71) (die man auf Sumatra stronghold) states The Wilderness as a person who is a pre-Malay natives of Sumatra as well as Paul said that the Wilderness Bescrta all with proto malay (melayu old) Cement is in Malay njung pressured by the arrival of a young Malay.

Keakraban Orang Rimba

Well do not you know that "Child Within" is also a term that they themselves enjoy, and they were very angry at being called the Kubu, as it was considered demeaning themselves. In a conversation among citizens about the Kubu jambi reflected in terms of expression of someone who shows the position and ignorance, such as littering diumpat "Kubu you ....!". Other title favored by the jungle is "relative", ie how to call someone who did not know and rarely met. When you get to see the close calls are "NCO" which means friend. (Soetomo, 1995:58)

Hemm .. But the existence of tribal child in now increasingly concern, because of illegal logging and the limited area the tribe lives of children in making their experience a little culture clash with some provision JAMBI tertama who live in the Edge of palm forests and open land. RATE IN CHILDREN sometimes disturbing, because they menggap palm farmers that are destructive, and sometimes they are being friendly to work in palm plantations owned by local residents.

Their empowerment is expected, by increasing their capacity for education and employment can mengeyam that match their skills, because they are precious cultural archives belonging to Indonesia already supposed to be noticed ..

Hemm, hopefully this article useful to us all, and we will broaden the cultural diversity of this nation .. Amen.Red rose

Copyright: KenArok

BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS (biological weapon)


lecture this morning made me inspired on Biological Weapons, although the college theme "Business Lingkungn" but never mind than in my sleep with a plain face did not notice, I mengakhayal about biological weapons .. hehe

after direct return deh, push the power button on the laptop, open an internet connection, continue facebookan, haha, last night post replies liyat it ngerjain temen2. ckckck

The first time occurred to me when mention biological weapons, I immediately thought denan Resident Evil movies, I think the exclamation is also yes, if Ntar after the war all the inhabitants of the earth be a Zombie, certainly not including me,. yokk. Our direct language about biological weapons,

BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS ( biological weapon )

bahaya biologi

This image is the international symbol for biological hazards ( biological hazard ).

It is a weapon that uses a pathogen (bacteria, viruses or other disease-producing organisms), emm then flu-causing bacteria can also make a donk on biological weapons.? bacteria, viruses and organisms is used as a tool to kill, destroy and attack other living creatures, like humans, animals and plants .. which certainly does, biological weapons can not be used to destroy tanks or combat aircraft ..Open-mouthed smile.

although the agreement at the international level which prohibit the use of biological weapons began in the Geneva Protocol in 1925. However, history shows that development of biological weapons continued. One documented example is the use of biological weapons by Japanese troops in World War 2 in China. up to the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention signed by more than 100 countries, confirmed the "ban the manufacture, development and storage of biological weapons."


The impact yes, of course, death and material loss. banyangkan course, biological weapons do not choose who will become victims, either civilian or military. biological weapons would mnginfeksi all living things affected by these weapons, emmm .. Seramkan ..

and my friend never liyat Resident Evil movies, when people in one city into a zombie, it is a movie that shows the effect of the use of biological weapons, like the T-Virus which created the Umbrella in Resident Evil games and movies, even biological weapons to attack its creator own! If a biological weapon created with no antidote or antidote made then spread and uncontrollable.

Biological weapons have several phases of development over time. Before the 20th century, the use of biological weapons are divided into 3 major groups that is poisoning the food or beverage with hazardous materials, using microorganisms to infect the living, biological material and insert material into clothing.


Black Death is the name of the most terrible plague in the Middle Ages. Recorded outbreaks of diseases caused by biological weapons it claimed the lives of one third of the population of Eurasia, including central Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Allegedly spread of Black Death is strengthened by the Mongolian army in those days travel to different parts of Eurasia to trade and political agreements. So great impact caused death, was recorded as the Black Death plague that changed the history of population and development of Asian and European nations! In medieval times, how to spread biological weapons is the most popular spread of infected corpses into the enemy area. Humans infected with bubonic disease and died, mostly but not buried or burned with slingshots raksaksa thrown into the enemy fortress. In 1346, the bodies of soldiers through the city of Crimean Tatar cast of Kaffa (now Theodosia). This action was allegedly the cause of the early outbreaks of the Black Death in Europe. This action spread the disease by throwing the corpse again occurred in the year 1422, conducted by the nation to attack the palace Hussite Bohemia. And in 1710, when Russia attacked Sweden by spreading infected corpses on the side of the city walls of Reval (Tallin).

In conclusion

Whatever the war and used senajta will only lead to sorrow and death of innocent people, STOP OUR PEACE Let battle

PEACE Red rose


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